
GF Harvest Brands Follows Standardized Processes To Create A Pure Oat Product

trustsm.jpgWhy does this matter?

  • Some oats being used in products labeled “Gluten Free” are not grown and processed with a set of steps that guarantee the product is grown, milled, packaged, and tested prior to release in a manner that supports the gluten free label claim.
  • Cause For Concern: At a recent conference, one major manufacturer mentioned they used mechanical sorted commodity oats in their “gluten free” oat products. They stated that they average 10% of their samples testing over 20 parts per million (ppm) so with a statistical average and/or blending they can still meet the FDA standard of 20PPM.

Ask these important questions.  All of these statements are true for GF Harvest oat products:

  • Are the oats being used verified to a standard significantly below the FDA limits?
  • Are oats grown with purity protocol steps?  (GF Harvest oats are grown using these standards)
  • Pure planting seed stock with pre-planting field history audits 
  • All equipment inspected and approved for gluten free production.
  • Each field inspected prior to harvest
  • Harvested seed only stored in dedicated gluten free grain storage
  • Processed in a dedicated gluten free oat mill
  • Packaged on a dedicated gluten free packaging line.  No shared production facilities with other allergen or gluten containing products.
  • Internal and external testing records showing the final product is verified gluten free
  • No blended test averages.   Required batch level testing conducted.

If the oat product you are using was not grown with this kind of care, ask yourself if it’s worth the risk.